
SOLD!- Arizona Desert Ranch

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Location- From Gila Bend & I-8 go West on I-8 to Sentinel, the Ranch is on the South side of I-8 between Sentinel Exit & Stanwix Exit. The Barry Goldwater Bombing Range is the south side of the ranch.

Ranch Map
Acreage- BLM Permit #3076  – Approximately 31 Sections. State of Arizona Lease #05-3050  – Approximately 6 Sections. Total of 37 +/- Sections under fence.

Carrying Capacity- Approximately 55 head grazing permit. More can be applied for in wet winters.

Vegetation- Mesquite, Palo Verde, Ironwood and natural desert grasses, including Six Weeks, Indian Wheat, Bunch Grass and Bermuda.

Water- 2 Wells and a pipeline.
1- “Headquarters Well” is said to be 200 feet deep with a 5,000 gal storage.
2- The “Middle Well” is about 600 feet deep with a 6,000 gal storage and a pipeline that feeds two additional 3,000 gal storage and 2 additional drinkers. The wells have submersible pumps.
There is also a large water collection area on Ten mile wash on the Southwest potion of the ranch that has water in it most of the time. Additionally, there are other low spots in large washes that hold water seasonally.

Taxes / Fees-
BLM Fees are currently $1.35 AUM
State of Arizona Fees are currently $2.42 AUM

2 Wells and Pipeline. Scales are not included in the sale. The ranch is fenced as
one big pasture with 2 smaller “traps” near the main corrals. There is also 3 other smaller corrals at the waters on the pipeline. There is an old “cowboy camp” at the headquarters well & corral which is on State of Arizona land.
Notes– Approximately 55 head yearlong permit and the possibility of increases in wet winters. Real nice desert ranch located west of Gila Bend. Consisting of approximately 31 Sections of BLM and 6 Sections of State of Arizona for a total of about 37 Sections. 2 Wells with a pipeline.

Owner may carry, contact agent for details.
Price- $79,900.00

Scott Thacker



Stronghold Ranch Real Estate
